

Basic Standard of Conduct


Advocate for a positive mindset, open communication, addressing matters objectively, discussing issues face-to-face, speaking in a respectful manner, and fostering a simple and harmonious organizational atmosphere;
Oppose duplicity, saying one thing to someone's face and another behind their back, and the tendency to unnecessarily complicate simple matters.

Promote objectivity and fairness in personal and professional interactions, fostering sincere relationships with colleagues, emphasizing work diligently, and earning recognition with effort and competence;
Oppose opportunistic behavior, manipulating interpersonal relationships, and seeking favors or using personal connections for personal gain.


Advocate for cherishing the platform, being dedicated to the job, performing one's duties conscientiously, and taking responsibility for the work;
Oppose being careless and perfunctory in work, taking a lax attitude, complacent and evasive when faced with tasks, and shifting blame.

Promote adherence to laws and regulations, maintaining personal integrity, conducting oneself and handling matters with principles and boundaries, being accountable to oneself, family, and the company;
Oppose engaging in illegal activities that violate social norms and public order.


Advocate for equal dignity among colleagues, encouraging empathy and mutual respect;
Oppose disrespectful language, undermining one's self-esteem, and insulting others' dignity.

Promote humility and modesty, cautioning against arrogance and impatience, and promote respect for customers and competitors;
Oppose pride, complacency, and a dismissive attitude towards others.

Corporate interests come first

Advocate for firmly safeguarding the company's interests and prioritizing the overall goals of the company;
Oppose any actions that may harm the company's interests or seek personal gains at the expense of the company

Promote enhancing the sense of collective honor and consciously maintaining the company's image;
Oppose any remarks or actions that may harm or tarnish the reputation of the company's brand.

Personal income be legal

Advocate for legality and compliance, doing things in a transparent manner and earning legitimate income;
Oppose corruption, bribery, kickbacks, and any form of obtaining money that one should not rightfully possess.

Promote maintaining a clear distinction between official business and private matters, upholding ethical principles and boundaries, and acting impartially;
Oppose using public resources for personal gain and providing benefits to individuals and relatives through the abuse of one's position.


Employee Code of Conduct

Six Dos

  • DO cultivate a positive mindset and practice open communication;
  • DO think in big-picture terms and work in close collaboration;
  • DO focus on work with objectivity and fairness;
  • DO work hard in a simple and efficient method;
  • DO take the initiative and keep innovating;
  • DO maintain personal integrity and uphold ethical standards.

Six Don'ts

  • DON'T stir up trouble or be insincere;
  • DON'T harm others for personal benefit or refuse to cooperate with others.
  • DON'T engage in favoritism or opportunistic behavior;
  • DON’T indulge in pleasure or dodge the issue;
  • DON’T muddle along or be old-fashioned and never changing;
  • DON’T disregard laws or violate moral principles.